From the first junior teams in 1972, the Ivanhoe Junior Football Club has been an integral part of the greater Ivanhoe community for over 50 years. In 2024 the club fields 11 teams including a Girls U16 team. The club has over 300 boys and girls registered across Junior Football and Auskick. None of this could happen without the hundreds of volunteers and sponsors who have contributed to the club over the last five decades.
Under 14 (1A) [Coach: Anthony Koutoufides}
Under 13(2) [Coach: Anthony Koutoufides]
Under 16(B) Girls [Coach: Jess Dal Pos]
Under 14 Green [Coach: Brett Hobbs]
Under 16 Girls Div-2 [Coach: Jess Dal Pos]
Under 16 Boys Div-2 [Coach: Vince Dattoli]
Colts Div-1 [Coach: Vaughan Cleary]
Under 11 Green [Coach: Brett Hobbs]
Under 14 Gold [Coach: Chris Naish]
Under 16 Girls - Div-2 [Coach: Brian Millett]
Under 12 Black [Coach: Brian Keenan]
Under 14 White [Coach: Vince Datolli]
Under 15 Black [Coach: Tony Franklin]
Under 12 White [Coach: Renato Dintinosante]
Under 14 Black [Coach: Tony Franklin]
Colts Div-1 [Coach: Rick Daniels]
Under 12 White [Coach: Tim Donohue]
Under 10 White [Coach: Andrew Smith]
Under 13 White [Coach: Frank Petrongolo]
Under 15 4th div [Coach: Jeremy McCauliffe]
Under 12 Black [Coach: Frank Petrongolo]
Under 11 White [Coach: Mark O'Sullivan]
Colts 1st div [Coach: Noel Lovell]
Under 15 1st div [Coach: Simon Hogan]
U12 Blue [Coach: Andrew Cron]
U11 Gold [Coach: Roger Larkin]
Colts Div 1 [Coach: Richard Dal Pos]
U15 Div 2 [Coach: Morris Del Monte]
Colts Div 2 [Coach: Richard Dal Pos]
U11 Gold [Coach: Noel Lovell]
U14 Gold [Coach: Greg Cotsworth]
U10 Gold [Coach: Noel Lovell]
Colts Div 2 [Coach: Simon Hogan]
U15 Div 1 [Coach: Brendan Butler]
U14 Div 2 [Coach: Marcel Kurbanovs]
U10 - [Coach: Jonathan Raftery and Brett Stafford]
Our thanks to Tim Robinson and John Miles for sharing their memories and also for providing copies of the early Minutes of the Junior Football Club.
The Ivanhoe Amateur Football Club first fielded a junior team in 1966 following a suggestion from Coach Lloyd Williams that it be formed in order to provide recruits to play with the seniors. That team competed in the Melbourne Boys League on Saturday mornings in the Under 15s Section wearing jumpers with black and white vertical stripes and coached by John Miles.
In 1967 Under 15s and Under 17s played for Ivanhoe Juniors under coaches Ian Anderson and John Miles with the Under 15s making the Grand Final.
Ivanhoe Amateur FC continued to support and administer the two Junior teams until 1971 when the Under 15s coach, Tim Robinson, reported to the Committee that they were having trouble recruiting as other junior clubs in the area started at Under 10s so players were already aligned.
There was inadequate off-field support and parents were rarely seen.
Tim suggested that:
“the Committee investigate the possibilities of forming an Ivanhoe Junior Football Club, which would be affiliated with the IAFC and an inaugural committee should be called to discuss administration and facilities.” Minutes IAFC 27. 7. 1971"
Tim believed that a separate club with players starting at a younger age would encourage increased parental involvement. The formation of the Ivanhoe Junior Football Club was held on 5th October 1971 and produced the following report:
Grounds – application has been made to deputation committee of H.C.C. to meet representatives of IAFC (Benetti, Lucas, Burns ) on Monday, 11th October with request for additional ground for proposed junior teams.
Competition – Committee suggested that the club apply to field U11, U13, U15, U17 teams in Doncaster and Districts competition in 1972
Moved: J Blackwood that the IAFC supports the entry of boys’ teams from the district into the Doncaster and District Football League and application be made to HCC for the use of Chelsworth Park on Sundays.
In the initial years the Junior committee was made up of IAFC people.
R Lucas (President)
J Miles (Treasurer)
J Burns
P Cairns
T Robinson
E Logan
J Benetti
D Blackwood
R Burt
The new committee applied to the Doncaster League to wear jumpers with black and white vertical stripes but were informed that Park Orchards Junior Football Club had applied to do the same the week before. Ivanhoe then had no jumpers for Juniors, so they purchased Park Orchards used, plain black jumpers and added IJFC onto a panel.
In order to establish the Junior Club the Committee conducted meetings in October, December, January, twice in February, March and April and the Minutes record that during that time it organised League affiliation and fees, registrations, advertised and appointed coaches, negotiated for use of extra ground at Chelsworth Park, arranged practice matches and transport, purchased ‘school size footballs’, advertised for players in the local papers and with the ‘hiring of a loudspeaker’ and appointed two League delegates.
Registration fees were set at $2.
April 1972 Minutes - Treasurer John Miles reported $47.51 on hand and R Lucas reported on the lack of parental support and team managers for the Under 17s. J Blackwood offered his services to assist the Under 17s team.
At a clinic held at Chelsworth Park in March, forty players were signed, and by 22nd May, 152 were registered with Ivanhoe.
At the end of that first season, a set of track suits and dressing gowns were purchased, along with a new set of black jumpers and monograms.
Financial Statement August, 1972 shows a balance of $209.15.
Best and Fairest players 1972 were:
Under 11 P Gittos
Under 13 P Lonergan
Under 15 D Biviano
Under 17 D Steen
IJFC team from 1972 with John Miles (president) and Stan Gittos (committee)