Initial Addressing of Complaints

Complaints should first be addressed at the source, ideally through the Team Manager or Coach. This approach allows for quick resolution of most issues.

Escalation Process

If the complaint cannot or should not be resolved by the Team Manager or Coach, or if it remains unresolved after a reasonable period, the matter should be escalated to the Vice President of the club.

The Vice President will manage the grievance process and may involve other relevant parties depending on the nature of the complaint, including:

  • Director of Coaching

  • Child Safety Officer

  • President

Documentation & Follow-Up

All complaints should be documented, and timely follow-up is encouraged to ensure that all parties are informed of the progress and resolution.

Confidentiality and Respect

Throughout the process, confidentiality must be maintained, and all parties should treat each other with respect to foster a constructive environment for resolution.

This procedure aims to ensure that grievances are handled effectively and respectfully, prioritising the welfare of all members involved.